Happy St Pup’s Day Playdate

March 17, 2024
9:00 AM
- 8:00 PM
$10 Day Pass

Join Pup Tub Club on St. Pup’s Day for a dog-friendly good time. Treats, friends, fun! Luck o’ the Irish photo background. Stop by the cafe for Green Velvet Cake, Lucky Truffles, Meet-Your-Matcha Lattes, Specialty sodas, Jalapeno-Relish Hot Dogs, and more.

Pup Tub Club is Salt Lake City’s newest club just for pups! With 9,000 sq ft of space to run and shaded spots to relax, you and your pup are sure to find a comfy spot to hang out, socialize and have fun. Join the Club options: $10 day pass, $35 monthly pass, $365 yearly pass.