It’s a dog-a-pool-ooza at South Davis Recreation Center’s outdoor pool on September 14th! End your summer with a splash as dogs take over the pool before it closes for the season. There will be 3 different sessions for various sizes of dogs- please size up if bringing multiple dogs of different size.
- 9am to 10am: Small dogs
- 10am to 11am: Medium dogs
- 11am to 12pm: Large dogs
Tickets are about $10 per dog and advanced registration is recommended. Click here to register and you’ll find the Dogapoolooza under the “Special Events” section.
- All dogs must enter and exit the pool facility on a leash.
- Event fee is NON-refundable for any circumstance. Event will be held rain or shine.
- Dogs must be leashed when not in the pool.
- Owners are responsibile for dog’s actions.
- Owners must provide proof of vaccinations before entering event.