Have you ever found yourself wanting to try agility with your dog, but not on a competition level? Or maybe you just want to have a fun outing with your pup to see if they will go through a tunnel or weave through the weave poles. This Non-Competition Agility Workshop is designed specifically for the beginner dog and dog owner who just want to see what it’s about. No previous experience or knowledge is necessary.
Your dog will be introduced to several pieces of equipment and then allowed to run a mini non-competition level agility course. It is open to dogs who have a solid recall (or are okay with working on a leash) and are okay around other dogs and people.
Equipment we will be working with includes weave poles, standard jump, tire jump, long tunnel, short tunnel, a-frame, and pause box.
1 Dog – $50 ($25 per extra dog)
This workshop is for dogs and dog owners who want to introduce their dog to agility, but not on a competition level. It is a beginning course and does not focus on competitive rules, technique, or flatwork (human technique that happens between obstacles). Each workshop ranges from 60-90 minutes depending on how many pups are registered. There is a maximum of 6 registrations per class. If you have more than 2 dogs, please email train2at@gmail.com before registering.